Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Tech Ed - Why a Hacker can own your servers in a day!

I have watched a number of security related sessions but the TWC Why a Hacker Can Own Your Web Servers in a Day! session at Tech Ed Europe 2014 by Marcus Murray and Hasain Alshakarti was one of the best that I have ever seen. They both work at Truesec who conduct Penetration Testing amongst many other security related services. What made this security session stand out is that they went beyond the basic demonstrations of commonly known exploits (SQL Injection, XSS etc). They continued to progress the exploit to show how professional hackers would spread their sphere of influence to ultimately compromising your entire network. What made this even more relevant in the real world was that all the attack vectors they demonstrated had been previously found whilst performing pen testing against some of their customers. This is seriously scary stuff but fascinating at the same time.

In summary, their session consisted of demonstrating three exploits:
1) An image upload exploit which ended up with the web server, SQL server and Domain Controller being compromised.
2) A SQL injection attack which resulted in the SQL server becoming compromised and in turn, only a matter of time before other servers were compromised thanks to what was demonstrated in the first exploit.
3) XSS attack using a live website which results in the attacker being able to do some very scary stuff to your browser session.

I will not go into detail here about the attacks they demonstrated as to do them justice you really need to watch the Tech Ed session. All I will say is the photo upload exploit is pure genius. From uploading a photo to owning the Domain Controller--it's chilling. Granted, it's a very specific exploit but for impact purposes, I have not seen anything else that beats it yet. Kudos to them for finding and being able to exploit this.

They introduced a range of security / hacker tools which I had never heard of before. These tools made the process of "owning" servers through known exploits like "Token Kidnapping" so easy it was scary. 

If I have some spare time on my hands, I would like to attempt to recreate these exploits with the aid of some virtual infrastructure on Azure as there is plenty to be learnt here.

As a developer, if you think security is something that you do not have to be concerned about, watch this session and I hope you will be scared into thinking otherwise by the end of it. This session demonstrates the sophistication and lengths a professional hacker will go to when attempting to compromise your applications security.

A quick look at Marcus's previous Tech Ed sessions shows a string of them running back to 2010. I will be checking these out for sure for some more security goodness.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Introduction to Grunt Presentation

A few weeks ago I gave an hour presentation on using Grunt to automate development and build tasks. I decided to present this as a live demonstration where I would do everything from installing node.js, to installing and configuring the packages and running the grunt tasks. This was a perfect fit for the audience as none of them had any experience with using node.js and by using a clean Windows 8.1 VM, I was able to highlight just how easy it is to get up and running with Grunt.

I encountered one issue with NPM where it didn't create a "npm" folder in the user's roaming profile. I didn't encountered this issue when installing node.js on my laptop or Surface Pro 3, but it was an issue with VMs hosted by Azure. Fortunately as I had done a run through of my demo I was aware of this and how to fix it.

The demonstration covered installing and configuring the following packages:
  • grunt-contrib-jshint
  • grunt-contrib-csslint
  • grunt-htmlhint
  • grunt-contrib-copy
  • grunt-contrib-clean
  • grunt-contrib-concat
  • grunt-contrib-uglify
  • grunt-processhtml

The feedback I received indicated the audience felt confident that they would be able to start working with Grunt without any difficulties and believed that they would be able to use it for automating their own build tasks. A common suggestion was to include a brief introduction of Grunt before getting into how to use it. I have to agree, that I did gloss over this so this is something that I will incorporate if I get the chance to give this demonstration again.

The website that I used for the demonstration can be downloaded from the following links:

The starter version is a basic website that contains a single HTML page and a few JavaScript and CSS files that can be processed using Grunt. The HTML page contains two buttons that display alert messages when they are clicked, which provides an easy way to demonstrate that the JavaScript is still working post build. I decided to keep the website as simple as possible to ensure that the focus was on using Grunt and not what the website was doing. The complete version contains the package files (package.json), the grunt file (gruntfile.js), and a modified index.html. I have not included the packages, so you will need to run "npm install" to download them when using the complete version. I have created two tasks that can be executed via the following commands:
  • "grunt default" or "grunt": this task will lint your JavaScript, CSS and HTML. I suggest running it with the "--force" option so you end up with a full list of all the linting errors, rather than the task prematurely aborting as soon as it detects the first one.
  • "grunt release": this task will copy the website into a release folder, concatenate and minify the JavaScript files and update the index.html file to reference this single JavaScript file.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Working with Age Groups in SQL

Following on from my previous post SQL - Beyond the standard ASC / DESC ORDER BY which introduced the CASE WHEN statement, this post tackles the problem of handling age groups with SQL and introduces a technique I call “query wrapping”.

When writing queries to generate reports, it is a common requirement to aggregate records into groups and a typical grouping is age. The following example outlines the process of aggregating a set of employee records into the following age groups:

Under 18
18 – 25
26 – 35
36 – 55

For this post, the sample employee list I am using looks like this:

Before assigning an employee an age group, the employee’s age needs to be calculated. To do this the DATEDIFF T-SQL function can be used. MSDN defines the syntax as:

DATEDIFF(datepart, startdate, enddate)

To calculate an employee’s age, the number of years in between their date of birth and today’s date is required:

DATEDIFF(yy, DateOfBirth, GETDATE())

Note “yy” specifies that the number of years between the two dates is required and GETDATE() will return today's date.

The DATEDIFF function can be used in conjunction with a CASE WHEN statement to create a query which will add an age group label to each employee and can in turn be grouped upon:

        WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, DateOfBirth, GETDATE()) <= 17
            THEN 'Under 18'
        WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, DateOfBirth, GETDATE()) BETWEEN 18 AND 25
            THEN '18-25'
        WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, DateOfBirth, GETDATE()) BETWEEN 26 AND 35
            THEN '26-35'
        WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, DateOfBirth, GETDATE()) BETWEEN 36 AND 55
            THEN '36-55'
        WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, DateOfBirth, GETDATE()) > 55
            THEN '56+'
    END AS YearGroup
FROM Employees

This query will generate the following result set:

This result set will be the basis to determining how many employees are in each age group. To create the age group aggregation it is required to group on the result set displayed above. How do you group on the result set of another query? You use that result set as the input to your GROUP BY query. It is possible to dynamically generate a query's FROM data-set from an SQL query instead of referencing an actual table. Take a look at the query below to see this in action:

SELECT AgeGroups.YearGroup AS [Year Group]
    , COUNT(AgeGroups.YearGroup) AS [Group Count]
            WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, DateOfBirth, GETDATE()) <= 17
                THEN 'Under 18'
            WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, DateOfBirth, GETDATE()) BETWEEN 18 AND 25
                THEN '18-25'
            WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, DateOfBirth, GETDATE()) BETWEEN 26 AND 35
                THEN '26-35'
            WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, DateOfBirth, GETDATE()) BETWEEN 36 AND 55
                THEN '36-55'
            WHEN DATEDIFF(yy, DateOfBirth, GETDATE()) > 55
                THEN '56+'
        END AS YearGroup
    FROM Employees
) AgeGroups
GROUP BY AgeGroups.YearGroup

The query previously written to add an age group label against each employee has been included as the FROM dataset for the GROUP BY query. I think of this as wrapping the group by statement around the result set of the inner age group query. This is an important technique to understand as it allows you to build up very powerful SQL queries by wrapping queries around one another. Data-sets which are being JOINED on to can also be created dynamically using a separate SQL statement opening up a limitless number of querying options.

This is where thinking in sets when working in SQL helps. Think of the inner age group labeling query as generating your initial data-set and the outer group by query filtering (or in this case aggregating) down this result set further to something closer to what is required.

When executed, the updated query produces the required aggregated result set:

When writing an SQL query it is usually habit to start at the top and work down--what you want as the end result. I find it easier to write the inner most queries first where I am pulling in all the data I require to work with in its most primitive form. I then start to wrap these queries in other queries which will better shape the data into the end result that I require and look for ways to JOIN this data on to other data-sets as required.

Hopefully this has illustrated the technique of “query wrapping” whilst demonstrating how to work with age groups in SQL and helped open a couple more SQL querying doors for you.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

C# Recursion with a Lambda

This is the first in a series about exploring the code patterns that Miguel Castro introduces in his Pluralsight course titled "Building End-to-End Multi-Client Service Oriented Applications". I am creating these blog posts as a learning exercise where I can delve deeper into the pattern and solidify my understanding of it. Hopefully this can be of some help to other programmers who are also taking Miguel's course or anyone trying to improve their C# skills.

Traditional recursion

If you're like me, when it has come to writing a recursive algorithm, you generally follow the pattern of defining a function that contains all the code that needs to be executed repeatedly and then call this from another function. It's simple and it works, but it does require that you create at least two functions. Let's take a look at an example where recursion is used to calculate the factorial for a given number:

public void TraditionalRecursion()

private int ComputeFactorial(int n)
    if (n == 0) 
        return 1; 

    return (n * ComputeFactorial(n - 1));

The "work" is being done by the ComputeFactorial function, but as it needs to be able to call itself, it has to be created as a separate function. Like with many recursive algorithms, the first function (TraditionalRecursion) doesn't contain any logic or functionality that requires it to be separated--it just has to act as the starting point for the algorithm.

Lambda recursion

Now, wouldn't it be nice if you could do this with just a single function where you no longer need a second function just to start the algorithm. Imagine being able to define the recursive algorithm and start it all within the same function. Well, it turns out that this is quite easily achievable through the use of a lambda expression:

public void LambdaRecursion()
    Func<int, int> computeFactorial = (n) =>
        if (n == 0) 
            return 1; 

        return n * ComputeFactorial(n - 1);


The inline delegate, a Func in this example, contains exactly the same behavior as the ComputeFactorial function; the only difference is that it has been declared as a variable. An easy way to look at this, is to image that ComputeFactorial has been wrapped up and is now contained within the computeFactorial variable (declaring functions as variables should be very familiar concept to a JavaScript programmer). Once declared, all you have to do it call this variable to start the recursive algorithm--it really is as simple as that!